Nov 09

Collaborate to Innovate – the CIO guide to collaboration strategies

Next week my book Collaborate to innovate is being released. I will link to ordering pages where you will be able to read a chapter etc after the release. Collaborate to InnovateCollaborate to Innovate

Feb 20

Adaptive and relationship-building self-service

Is it possible that self-service applications, such as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solutions are looking at a slow painful death because of lack of innovation? And I don’t mean that vendors have stopped inventing, really I don’t. But the usage of these solutions is quite unimaginative. I think the time has come to rethink how companies use their IVR solutions and turn them into relationship-building self-service tools.

Read more on the UC Strategies page here

UC Strategies

UC Strategies article

Jan 05

Innovating the back office

Contact centers have been in the forefront of advancements in telecommunications, collaboration and customer service, being first with contact routing based on skill and experience, enterprise presence and instant messaging, recording, coaching, softphones, reporting, administration, social media integration and so on. NOW SERVICE is a different way of viewing customer service offering immediate customer feedback, collaborative service and customers who are audiences and fans.

Read more in my article from Customer Inter@ction Solutions December 2011.

Jan 05

Using social media in the contact center

A summary of what to consider if and when a company is considering implementing social media as part of their customer service mix.

Click on the article to read it…

TelekomIdag 8-2011

Expert article in TelekomIdag

How to...add social media to the customer service mix

Sep 26

Third generation UC

Unified Communication (UC) is Communications integrated to optimize business processes. We are now entering an exciting period where several forces seemingly unrelated at first are beco

UC Strategies

Third generation UC

ming pieces in a puzzle that together create a bigger picture and better user experience. If you ever have laid a puzzle trying to fit a number of pieces seemingly not part of the picture, and you suddenly see how it all fits together, it feels almost as the pieces are drawn into their correct places. That is the feeling I get when I view how the market and various technology pieces seemingly assist each other to form the better good.

This third generation UC, is coming about by the forces of UC, cloud and virtualization, mobility and social media. I would like to call this generation for “Social Collaboration.”

Read the whole article on UC Strategies here.

Aug 27

Self-service or full service – UC Strategies article

UC Strategies

Self-service or full service - IVR deployment strategies

Most of us have seen the signs at the gas station. Asking us, as customers, if we want the full service treatment or the self-service treatment, i.e. do it yourself. Service design is a model to define services that feel like full service, even if they are self-service systems.

IVR’s are no longer only about self-service but a tool to improve the full service experience. But they need to be developed correctly. They need to be developed with both your organizations benefits and your customers’ experience in mind.
Read the full article here

Jul 22

How to Build an Early Warning System – UC Strategies article

UC StrategiesTwo identical companies offering the same basic service in close proximity to each other is a daily experience in today’s competitive environment. In many instances, copying what someone else does well has replaced innovation. This has given rise to a new concept of service design that leads organizations to design and deliver service based on collaborative methods to beat seemingly identical competitors. Service design requires hard facts, data that gives decision makers the framework for strategic decisions. Customer interaction analytics, or “Voice of the Customer” (VoC) analytics as it is more commonly being referred to in an age where customer centricity is almost synonymous with viability, is the framework that provides real tangible facts about the customer experience. VoC analytics looks at the entire customer experience, an outside-in approach if you wish.

Read the full article here

Jul 22

Making the cloud mobile and manageable – UCStrategies article

Cloud and mobility are two symbiotic advances that allow access to tools that in the past required a well-equipped laptop; now all you need is access to the Internet, and you are ready to go.

Read the full article here

Jul 22

Strategy for presence – Article in TelekomIdag

When I work with customers I usually define three types of UC and based on those, I work with the customer to identify where they are and what challenges they face.

Check out my new article in TelekomIdag, the Swedish industry magazine.

Jun 24

Happy Midsummer

Circle it consulting wants to wish all customer, friends and colleagues a very happy Midsummer!

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